Admissions Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I choose a smaller school like QND?
QND students receive personal attention with accountability for interacting with teachers, staff, and other students. Our students must perform and engage in the learning process in a proactive way providing good preparation for the real world. QND is also a community where everyone has genuine concern and watches out for one another.
Can a student receive college credit for classes taken at QND?
Yes, QND students are offered 44 hours of college credit through dual enrollment with John Wood Community College and Quincy University. The Class of 2024 were offered over $7.5 million in academic, athletic, performing arts and trade scholarships.
Is financial aid available for students?
Yes, the Financial Assistance Program at QND includes direct grants and scholarships. The QND Foundation manages more than 190 scholarships providing over $350,000 in tuition assistance for the 2024-25 school year. To ensure impartiality and sensitivity to privacy, FACTS is used to compile applications and to recommend amounts to be awarded (up to 40% of tuition) based on demonstrated need.
How many students attend QND? What is the average class size?
There are approximately 400 students at QND. The average class size at QND is 19 with a student to teacher ratio of 17:1.
Do you have to be Catholic to attend QND?
No, in fact, 16% of our student body is not Catholic. All students, however, are required to take a theology course and complete 10 hours of Christian community service each year.
What is the dress code at QND?
Neatness, cleanliness and modesty are most important. All students must wear collared shirts, blouses or sweaters with a collared shirt underneath. Pants should be a dress material (no jeans). Shorts are not permissible. Detailed information on the dress code is available in the Student Handbook.
What are the school day hours?
The school day starts at 7:45 a.m. and ends 2:15 p.m. on Monday - Friday. Band is offered as an early bird class beginning at 7:00 a.m.
Is there bus service available to QND students?
Yes, the Quincy Public School District does provide bus service for QND students. The student must live a minimum of 1 ½ miles away from QND to qualify for bus transportation. Forms for school bus service are available at time of registration to complete.
What activities are available at QND?
QND offers many extracurricular activities including student clubs, organizations, performing arts and sports.
Band (concert, jazz, marching, pep), Broadcaster (school newspaper), Catholic Heart Workcamp, Chorus (Madrigal’s, Men’s Glee, Women’s Glee), Book Club, Chess Club, Crochet Club, Hands and Feet of Christ (HAFOC), Key Club, Kindness Club, National Honor Society, Quiz Bowl, Spring Show, Writer's Club and Yearbook. Boys’ athletics include: baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, soccer, tennis, and wrestling. Girls’ athletics include: basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, pom pon, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, volleyball and wrestling.