Adopt-a-Grad Program
The Adopt-a-Grad program operates through HAFOC, our Wednesday night youth group. At the end of the school year, graduating seniors sign up to be a part of the program. Adults (campus ministry team, faculty, staff, and QND parents) are then assigned a graduate to “adopt” throughout the following school year. The main job of the adopter is to pray for this student throughout the year. They also are encouraged to send them handwritten notes occasionally, along with a care package or gift card every once in awhile.

Falling under the Ministries of Pastoral Care and Evangelization, the Adopt-a-Grad program supports college students as they enter a new world that is often hostile to their Catholic/Christian beliefs. Unfortunately, studies show that many Christians that walk away from their faith in college, never come back. We believe the Adopt-a-Grad program is a great way to support our graduates as they continue their faith journey beyond the walls of QND!