Class Retreats
Every QND student is required to attend a retreat with their classmates each year. The opportunity for students to interact with each other and grow in their faith in a setting that is different from their “everyday” is important. Each of our retreats end with the celebration of the Holy Mass together as it is the culmination of our faith.

Freshmen Class Retreat
The freshmen class retreat takes place towards the beginning of the school year and is a way to introduce students to the message of Kerygma. It is led by members of our Campus Ministry Leadership Team and includes talks, games, and small group discussions. It is a day retreat that takes place at the Knights of Columbus.
Falling under the Ministries of Community Life, Prayer and Worship, and Leadership Development, the purpose of the freshmen retreat is to introduce QND as a family, start to form bonds as a class, and to establish the seniors as the spiritual leaders of the school.
Sophomore Class Retreat
The sophomore class retreat takes place in the spring and is a way for students to participate in meaningful service. In groups of 6-9 students and an adult chaperone, students spend a day traveling throughout the city of Quincy and the surrounding area to offer service to the less fortunate. This includes painting, yard work, clean up or even serving food at Horizons Soup Kitchen. The students also take time during lunch to discuss the importance of service in their faith walk. The direct interaction with the people they are serving is one of the most impactful aspects of this retreat.
Falling under the Ministries of Service and Justice, Prayer and Worship, and Community Life, the purpose of the sophomore retreat is to take time as a class to put faith in action. It is important for the students to see those in need and then experience how we may help them. They also have the opportunity to bond with some of their classmates through serving together and discussion.
Junior Class Retreat
The junior class retreat takes place in the fall and is an opportunity for the students to be challenged in their faith by a nationally-known Catholic youth speaker Justin Fatica with Hard as Nails Ministry.
Falling under the Ministries of Evangelization, Prayer and Worship, and Leadership Development, the purpose of the junior retreat is to take time as a junior class to hear about and develop strategies to be faith leaders in the school as seniors.
Senior Class Retreat
The senior class retreat takes place towards the end of the school year and is an opportunity to take a look back at their faith journey through high school, assess where they are at now, and begin looking at living their faith life in the next phase of their life (college for most). This is an overnight retreat that takes place at a local hotel. The students spend time praying together, having small group discussions, and hearing testimony talks from their peers and adults.
Falling under the Ministries of Evangelization, Prayer and Worship, Pastoral Care, and Community Life, the purpose of the senior retreat is to take time as a senior class to look back on their experience at QND together, to look at where they are at right now, and to look into the future. The point is to look at where God was, is, and will be in their experiences.