St. Joseph of Arimathea Society
The St. Joseph of Arimathea Society is a group of QND students who provide pallbearer service to those in the community who pass away with little or no family. The school is notified by a local funeral home when they have a client who needs pallbearers. On the day of the burial, the students attend a short prayer service at the school, attend the funeral services, and assist with the burial. A Mass card is also presented to any friends or family present as the soul of the departed is offered up in prayer through the Holy Mass.

Falling under the Ministries of Service and Justice, the St. Joseph of Arimathea Society helps students put their faith in action. Their service is a direct practice of the Corporal Work of Mercy “Bury the Dead”. Students learn the importance of providing every human being the dignity of a proper burial. Students also participate in the Spiritual Work of Mercy “Pray For the Living and the Dead” by praying for the soul of the deceased.