Ways to Support QND

We hope that you will consider the following ways offered by the Quincy Notre Dame Foundation to provide for the future of QND High School. The QND Foundation will accept gifts at any time during the year and is available to consult with donors at any time.
The foundation does offer the following opportunities during the year for your consideration as well:
- During the QND Fund Drive (January 1 - December 31)
- End-of-the-Year Gifts for end-of-year tax considerations
- Tribute Gifts - contributions made to the Foundation in tribute to a relative or friend for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions
Ways to Give
A gift of cash (or check) is the simplest and most immediate way to give to Quincy Notre Dame’s Annual Fund. Cash gifts should be given outright or pledged. Checks should be made payable to QND Fund Drive. An unrestricted gift for the greatest needs of the school is of a particular benefit, but gifts may be designated for specific purposes.
Find Quincy Notre Dame on Venmo (@QND-Foundation) and make a quick and easy donation to QND.
Automated Clearing House (ACH)
ACH is a type of electronic payment in which funds are withdrawn or debited from a donor’s checking or savings account and transferred electronically to the Quincy Notre Dame Foundation. For example, these electronic payments can be set up to reoccur monthly, quarterly or annually.
Why should you consider going the route of ACH for your donations?
- Your account information remains confidential with direct withdrawal
- Direct withdrawal is one of the safest payment types and the process is very streamlined
- No credit card fees are charged to the QND Foundation by using ACH
- The opportunity to make frequent impact of your gift by donating on a routine basis
The process is very easy and is as simple as clicking on the link below and completing the paperwork. Once the paperwork is complete you simply send it to your bank for processing.
Click here to print the QND Foundation ACH Form
Memorial Gifts
Gifts to remember or honor a relative or friend are a wonderful way to assist the foundation's efforts. Acknowledgment will be made to the family of the deceased.
Donations often increase if given over time. An individual may not be able to give $500 out of his or her pocket, but might be able to give that amount over a period of several months or a year.
Gifts of Stock
Common stock or other securities are appropriate gifts to be transferred to the QND Foundation. Gifts of appreciated securities may interest donors who have held stock and have seen its value increase significantly. An outright gift of appreciated securities is exempt from capital gains tax and, in most cases, the full fair market value of the securities at the time of transfer can be claimed as a charitable gift deduction. For official tax purpose verification please check with your tax advisor.
Matching Gifts
Thousands of companies match gifts of employees to educational institutions. The donor fills out a form supplied by his or her company and sends it to QND along with his or her gift. Matching gifts are credited to the donors’ records; for example, a $500 gift accompanied by a matching-gift form from a company, which matches 1:1 will make a $1000 gift from the donor.
Real Property
The QND Foundation will receive gifts of real estate; including land, personal residences and commercial properties.
Commemorative Gift Plans
QND's endowment fund offers donors many opportunities to contribute sacrificially in a spirit of selfless charity for the good of Catholic secondary education in the Quincy area.
Life-Time Gifts from IRAs
If you are 72 or older, you generally must take IRA distributions. You can give up to $100,000 per year to the QND Foundation and avoid income tax on that amount. It is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution or QCD. Please contact Kurt Stuckman for more details on this easy and popular technique!
A Bequest
A memorial gift can be outlined in your will or added as a codicil. This allows you to perpetuate your personal dedication and remember the good works of the QND Foundation.
You can leave:
- A percentage of your estate
- The residue of your estate
- Identified property
- A specific dollar amount
How can my gift make a difference?
Every gift -- no matter what size – makes a difference! Last year, gifts to the Annual Fund provided more than $500,000 in support of the school’s operating budget. Your generosity has an immediate effect. Gifts are added to the operating costs for the current year. What’s more your support encourages others to give. Many foundations and corporations that offer financial support and other assistance are reassured of the integrity of Quincy Notre Dame because strong supporters are at the heart of its own community.
What your gift can support...
- Annual Fund
- Building Fund
- Endowment
- Endowed Scholarships
- QND Foundation Capital and Improvement Fund, with the Community Foundation of the Quincy Area